Divorce Lawyer in New Jersey for Women

When it comes time to hiring good divorce lawyers for women, a lot of divorcing women I meet with want to hire a pitbull type lawyer: tough, aggressive, loud, and active. While this might be the thought process from some women, it is probably the wrong approach to go with from the get go and women need to take into consideration far more than temperament of the prospective divorce attorney.

Attorney Qualifications

Of course your New Jersey divorce lawyer has to be competent. They have to be tough enough to not fold and give in to unreasonable demands. They have to be capable of being aggressive if the situation calls for it. In most cases, however, the benefits of the “pitbull lawyer” in a divorce setting are counterproductive and will cost clients unnecessary counsel fees that could have stayed in the client’s pocket.

What Makes a Good Divorce Lawyer

Divorce lawyers for women should know this. Their divorce lawyer needs to know the divorce laws in New Jersey, they need to know what arguments to make in their cases, and they need to know how and when to get their divorce cases resolved and get their clients the results they want and deserve. A good divorce lawyer for women is a divorce attorney who takes the time to find out what is important to their client, what issues are most important and which are least important. They need to take the time and energy to learn the specific facts of the case presented to them and they need to know if they can resolve the case without expensive and costly litigation.

Schedule a Consult with Me

To schedule a free initial consultation for your divorce, do not hesitate to contact me or my Family Law Team at 732-545-4717 or at bmcfaddendinicola@hoaglandlongo.com

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